
Why YUM sucks ...

I have been a Linux user since 1994, so it has been a while, started with Slackware, since back then there almost wasn't anything else. Bandwidth was non-existen and you stuck to what you got. Upgrading anything was a horror.

Then I got introduced to RedHat 4.2, with RPM's! Much of an improvement, I thought naively. The concept is sound, and you usually don't get stuck until you keep wondering in which RPM lib.x.y.z would be ...

It got worse when every second distribution started shipping their own RPMs ... However, sites like RPM find sometimes made life easier.

Then while all RedHat fans where looking enviously at debians apt, we got Red Carpet from Ximian.A big improvement, which did unfortunatly not last ...

Eventually our prayers where answered ... apt-rpm had arrived, and with quite a few repositories too ... You could live and work with Fedora/RedHat and Debian at the same time, never noticing any big differences. But it of course was too good to last.

What are we stuck with now? yuck ... I mean yum ... Why does it have to update repositories every effing single time? Why can't you have search results with one result per line instead of having pages per rpm package found. Why oh why is it so SLOOOOW ....

It is said that people prefer yum over apt ... I can't see how, I can't see why ... Unless they never used apt ... and even then :(